Quality of social service

System of social service quality indicators developed by the Home of social services (HSS) staff

1. Respectful approach to the social service recipient (SSR)
  → we respect the free choice of the person concerned
  → we address him/her in the way he/she prefers
  → we listen - we listen not only to what he/she says, we perceive him/her as a whole, we empathise with him/her and at the same time remain ourselves

2. Discussion as a way of communicating with both SSR and staff
  → we discuss activities, programme, plans together
  → we encourage the expression of opinions
  → discuss problematic situations, misunderstandings
  → we follow the basic rules when discussing together
     - respect the topic of discussion
     - respect the views of all participants in the discussion
     - respectfully and calmly express our agreement or disagreement with what is said
- we do not interrupt the speaker, we listen empathetically
     - substantiate our statements

3. Comonly agreed rules
  → SSR and staff, together we make rules about routines, order, etiquette, behavior, relationships based on discussion
  → we add to and update the jointly agreed rules on an ongoing basis, together ensuring that they are respected and followed by all members of the team

4. Free choice
→ We support PSS in making free choices about the choice of activities, participation in activities, choice of food,...

5. How to create an individual plan
→ the service recipient creates his/her individual plan with the highest possible degree of independence, based on his/her needs, wishes, goals, hobbies, the staff member actively listens to him/her, supports him/her, motivates him/her
→ service recipients with a lower level of independence are supported by inviting their parents or other family members to create their individual plan

6. Activation
→ PSS are encouraged to be active (self-care, hygiene, eating, activities,...)
→ PSS is encouraged to go beyond his/her own limits (to a reasonable extent)

7. Wide range of activities
→ when designing activities, plans, programmes, we think about all PSS, their needs
→ we provide a wide enough range of activities from which every PSS can choose
→ we design activities to encourage self-expression and self-advocacy and to develop critical thinking and emotional intelligence

8. Encouraging suggestions, ideas
→ PSS' own suggestions, ideas are not only welcomed but also expected :) and appreciated
→ PSS own activities are included in the weekly programme, which is published on the FB page "Party of the Inclub", by mutual agreement
→ in the implementation of the individual activities proposed by the PSS, the staff provides the necessary level of support and assistance to the service recipients

9. Feedback
→ PSS have the opportunity to express their satisfaction with the provision of social services (also anonymously) in the form of satisfaction questionnaires, suggestions, complaints