♥ About our magazine

Our magazine was created to give a voice to people with disabilities and their loved ones. In our institution we have been experiencing different life situations of people with disabilities for many years, we perceive their needs, their problems, their wishes. We know that our society has not yet created the conditions for natural, independent, free functioning of a person with disabilities.

We are convinced that this will only change if more attention is paid to it. In order to make society more aware of the needs of people with disabilities, we have started a magazine that is created by contributions from specific people with disabilities who visit our facility (this is not a requirement), contributions from our employees who see the need to talk about all this publicly, contributions from volunteers, personal assistants, parents, acquaintances. Our intention is to produce it in such a way that all involved are enriched - those who read it,and those who create it.

The principle of our magazine

The magazine operates on the principle: "Everyone contributes according to his or her abilities." This principle is important because the magazine is open to any contributor with a disability. Such openness is necessary so that people with disabilities also have the opportunity to express themselves publicly. Staff, volunteers, parents, personal assistants,... The only condition is that the contribution is positive, which in our understanding means trying to avoid unconstructive name-calling. This does not mean that we reject reality, we only reject swearing, unreasonable complaints, slander :). Since the spectrum of our contributors is very diverse, the contributions are also very diverse :). They tell about the experience of each contributor, and thus promote the possibility of understanding the specific needs of people with disabilities, in addition to the aforementioned tasks.

The main objectives of the Klubčík

1. To support the development of each contributor by producing beautiful, interesting, enriching contributions.
2. To raise the profile of disability issues.
3. To please the world :) By creating a positive magazine.
4. To create a great editorial team that enjoys their work and great colleagues :)
5. To encourage an active, creative lifestyle.

What should our magazine be?

  1. positive smile
  2. meaningful innocent
  3. unique in that it is contributed by a very diverse team whose members like each other kiss
  4. funny, but it can also be serious in places surprised
  5. a space for all good people to contribute providing wink
  6. universally popular cool (this is a joke)

A few words to explain the structure of our magazine: the magazine was created both for people with disabilities, so that they can express their wants, their needs, their views, their opinions, their society, and for the public, who need to learn about the needs of people with disabilities, about their view of life, because disability is a life situation that can enter the life of anyone and at any time. It is also true that the ability to help and to be sensitive to the needs of others is an important social and emotional skill that needs to be developed by every individual and by society as a whole. Since the role of the magazine is to provide a space for expression for people with disabilities and their surroundings (especially our Paria from INKLUB :-)), the topics that our magazine wants to promote are divided into sections. In each section are collected articles from the previous period when we published a printed magazine, and from now on, the sections will be filled with more topical contributions from individual members of the partie. Not everyone signs their contributions, some don't consider their signature important, some do. We have freedom in this. We have to point out the enormous variety of types, range of contributions, because each member of the lot has completely different gifts :-). Someone has a very clever mind, but his fingers do not obey him as he would like - the contribution is very slow. Someone else has very fast fingers and other great qualities, but does not have such a telling mindset. And now. :-). We have a common rule that we accept input from every member of the lot, because that's the great thing about our lot - that we are diverse, we accept each other's diversity, we complement each other. When making contributions, everyone makes them to the best of their abilities.